Here is a spliced panorama. The park
is huge.
Creators: Steve & Charlane Carlson
Time: ; 1995-1999
Size: 21,600
Rules: Helmets required, bikes allowed
Facilities: Fountain, bathroom, benches and shade
Location: Located in Chalmers Jones Park 930 Chemawa Road NE (Adjacent to Keizer City Hall)
Directions: From I-5, take the Chemawa Road exit (#260) and go West. Be careful, Chemawa quickly banks left (south) at the first light. Follow Chemewa through the stop sign (straight) and turn into the Keizer City Hall and Police Station. The park is there. Note: there is a parking lot closer to the skate park, but I don't know the street names to get there. You can also find the park by looking up and driving to the large, triangular topped radio tower (it blinks red at night).
City Contact:
is a good website.
City Hall
930 Chemawa Rd NE
PO Box 21000
Keizer, Oregon 97307
History: The Carlsons spent four years of their life, working very hard to make this park come alive. The park was built entirely by volunteers, plumbers, electricians, everybody. Saturdays would turn out half a dozen people that would work all day. Steve said they had a day in which they poured 65 yards of concrete in the hail and rain. The Carlsons were in the news, on the radio and initiating every city meeting with phone calls and letters. It's crazy what the Carlsons went through to get this park. Even crazier, the Carlson kids didn't skate, they did it simply to give back to the community. Wow.
Here is the story from Keizer's website. I am cutting and pasting it because I don't think a link will work:
In early 1995, while listening concerns from the business community regarding
the skateboarding and roller blading on their property,
Charlane Carlson decided there was a need for a safe, hassle free place
for youth to enjoy their sport. In March, 1995 she stepped out
of her front door with a flyers in her hand to generate support for a skate
park in Keizer. The excitement and energy of the youth and
their willingness to support Charlane in her pursuit lead to the formation
of the Keizer Skate park Committee. After many hours of
research, phone calls, discussion of fundraising ideas, and design suggestions
the kids, a formal presentation was made to the Keizer Parks Advisory Board
April, 1996. The Board's unanimous consent to support the proposal brought
Skate Park Committee to the City Council on January 21, 1997.This 21,600
foot park is the largest in the northwest with it's collection of concrete
ramps, berms and jumps. With support from the City Council and a
of financial aid, the official groundbreaking ceremony for the Keizer Skate
took place on April 12, 1998.
The Keizer City Council recently adopted Ordinance 2001-455 amending Ordinance
90-188 and requiring the use of helmets while using the skate park. The
use of knee pads,
elbow pads and wrist guards is also strongly recommended.
A solid 50-50 on the hipped curb.
So many choices.
Here is a glimpse of the two back bowls and a railslide. City Hall,
a drinking fountain and honey bucket are in the backround.
Nicole Neally wrapping around a 50-50.
Keizer is for everyone, skates, skateboards and bikes.
Scott Inman