
Address: Underneath the east side of the Burnside Bridge
Opened: 1990. Halloween is the celebrated birthday
Map: maps.google.com/...
WWW: www.burnsideproject.blogspot.com
Photos: skateoregon.com/archive/oregon/portland/burnside
Features: ~10,000 square feet approaching two decades of evolution
Pier Park

Address: N Hudson Street & Bruce Avenue
Opened: October 13, 2006
Map: maps.google.com/...
WWW: portlandonline.com/...
Photos: skateoregon.com/archive/oregon/portland/st-johns
Features: 11,000 square feet by Dreamland
Holly Farm

Address: SW Capitol Hwy & Comus Street
Opened: July 28th, 2007
Map: maps.google.com/...
WWW: www.skateportland.org/?p=162
Photos: skateoregon.com/archive/oregon/portland/holly-farm
Features: 2,800 square feet by Dreamland

Address: NE 82nd Avenue and Siskiyou Street
Opened: April 27, 2007
Map: maps.google.com/...
WWW: portlandonline.com/...
Photos: skateoregon.com/archive/oregon/portland/glenhaven
Features: 11,000 square feet by Dreamland
Department of Skateboarding

Address: 15 NE Hancock Street (& Williams Avenue)
Map: maps.google.com/...
WWW: www.departmentofskateboarding.com
Features: This is a popular commercial indoor wooden park. In addition to themed nights such as ladies and old man, DOS hosts film premiers, contests, and events on a regular basis.