
Creator and skater, Geth Noble riding high on the Parabolic patch.

This photo is altered because
the park was not complete at the time.
Here is a quote from Stephanie Mohler with Airspeed Skateparks
"[Waldport] was built in six weeks by a crew of six people
Chris Berry, Melissa Ballantyne, Mike Dahl, Rob Wigens, Geth Noble and
Stephanie Mohler. It has a 16 ft proaboloid with 6 ft oververt -- it is the
first of it's particular kind--- a ride never felt before. The proaboloid
lair sits in the bottom of double waterfall clover shaped bowl with three
different type hips-- there is more speed than you need and the park is
about endless air and speed lines. The bowl is surrounded by a crazy fast
snake run and spines into the bowl. There is a custom seemless fatty (4
inch) pool coping pocket and two rails, a ledge/ slash shallow pool end and
concrete custom rocks to ride. The park is in an amazing wooded setting.
The concrete work is smooth as silk panties with black concrete used in the
top portion of the proaboloid with tile."
More photos
Creators: Airspeed
Size: 6,500 square
feet +
Cost: 80,000
Open: June 16th,
Location: Crestline
Dr and Salmon St. South of Alsea Bay in hills east of Hwy 101.
Directions: From
Hwy 101, go East on Range Dr. (following signs to Golf Course), up winding
hill. At T-junction go north/left on Crestline Dr. Go about 1/2 mile.
Park is on west side of Crestline Dr., just south of Salmon St.
City Contact:
City Hall
125 Alsea Hwy
P.O. Box 1120
Waldport, Oregon 97394
Phone 541-563-3561
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