Creators: Design: Overall project design was Mater Design in Corvallis and they consulted Buzzy Morales Construction: Corp Inc
Time: October 2000
Size: Approxmiately 14,600
Cost: $291,000 A chunk of this bill represents the cost of engineering needed to put a concrete slab between highway legs, redirect a major arterial bike path and Green Way permits.
Rules: Bikes allowed
Facilities: Portable toilets, fountain
Location: Underneath junction of Highways 30, 99 and 20
City Contact: City of Corvallis
Dan Eden
Recreation Division Manager
Corvallis Parks and Recreation Department
1310 SW Avery Park Drive
Corvallis, Oregon 97333
Phone: (541) 754-1703
Fax: (541) 754-1701
History: For a long time there was a big wooden half pipe in the corner of a city park. You had to join the Boy Scout Explorers band to ride it (insurance). It was torn down when the cement park was opened.
Overall: From the start the park was designed to be a street park. Even so, there is too much space between structures, which raises the cost significantly. Most of the structures are too short. It's a young, amatuer kids park.. The design greatly under estimates the average ability of youth, and provides very little for the moderate to advanced rider. At the time this was designed, there were a number of excellent skateparks already in Oregon. It is a shame the designer did not better learn from them. A poor design constructed suitably.
Special: It is partially covered from rain by the overpasses.
Here is a letter from Dan Eden with Corvallis Parks and
Yes indeed Corvallis is building a public skate park!!
It is the result of community skaters
coming to a City Council meeting about
3 years ago requesting that the City build a park.
Then through numerous
public meetings, funding was allocated for the initial
design work. Several
public meetings were held to gather input on design features.
Many skaters
attended. Then funding was allocated to build the
The greatest portion of the cost is
being paid for using Parks System
Development Charge funds. This is supplemented
by donations of cash and
We hope to be open sometime in September.
Following is a web site about the park.
It can give you even more
information including a look at the design. The
web page is pretty up to
date with the exception that we are well into the project
and volunteer
teams have formed to help with clean up, rebar tying,
[-Dan Eden]