What is Oregon Vehicle Code, City of Portland Title 16, 16.70.410 B?

Oregon Vehicle Code

 City of Portland Title 16

    16.70 Miscellaneous Regulations

        16.70.400  Other Transportation

            16.70.410 Roller Skates and Skateboards

                B. No person may use roller skates, including in-line skates, skateboard, or other similar device
                    upon any street within the City between the hours of sunset and sunrise.

Source: http://www.trans.ci.portland.or.us/Traffic_Management/Bicycle_Program/code.html

It's garbage.

Call or write an e-mail or letter to Portland Mayor Vera Katz.  Tell her Portland's law concerning skating is ignorant, uncivil and unjust.

Office of the Mayor
1221 SW Fourth Avenue
Suite 340
Portland, Oregon 97204

(503) 823-4120

Visit the website and write a "Dear Vera" at http://www.ci.portland.or.us/mayor/forum.htm

Here is a letter I wrote: Dear Mayor.