Creators: Tony Gembeck
Time: June 5, 1999
Size: ~ 12,000
Cost: ~ $95,000 (?)
Rules: Bikes allowed, dawn to dusk
Facilities: Bathrooms, fountain, city park fields
Location: McCormick Park, 375 South 18th St.
Directions: St. Helens is 30 miles northwest of Portland on the Columbia River off Highway 30. Coming from Portland go right at the Safeway on Old Portland Road. Follow it over the train tracks and at the light go left. Take another left into McCormick Park and then a right.
City Contact: St
Coumbia Center
Tony Gembeck
History: The people organizing this park were really on the ball. They contacted knowledgable folks at a time when not much was known.
Overall: Transitions are a bit wavy, but a solid park with a well designed bowl and ledge. It had a huge, gnarly rail that the city took out after a couple months.
The gravel surrounding the park does an excellent job of keeping mud
and debris out of the park.
Chris from Alaska