An individual wrote me December 6th with the following message about the Tigard Skate Park.
Dear Sam,
I'd like to inform you a bit more about the park design and fundraising efforts for
the Tigard Skatepark. It is a 25,000 sq ft park with mostly street elements such as
the 4 different sets of stairs located strategically around it. There are also elements
for bowl/vert skaters like the . There are flat and round rails/bars/hand rails/coping/angled
iron in the park and many different types of banks and trannies. It is going to be insane.
I have included an attachment for the architectural design of the park. It was designed by
Purkiss-Rose specifically for us in Tigard. We are currently laying down the foundation to
have a movie premier in our town. It'll be put on by Trove Productions, a seattle based
movie proucer who is giving 100% of the profits to the task force for the skate park.
thank you for your interest. persons of all interests will be allowed: Skaters, Bladers,
and Bikers.
Here is the park plan as PDF file
Sincerely yours,
Name withheld until permission is granted.
The City of Tigard Skate Park Task Force website is
The following is an excerpt from the Task Force's website: If you have any questions or
would like to get involved, please contact:
Task Force Chairman, Rich Carlson by e-mail or phone
503-224-0871 or
Tigard Parks Manager, Daniel Plaza by e-mail or phone
503-639-4171, ext. 2590