Don't hire Purkiss Rose to design your skate park
They are the most
prolific skatepark designer in the country (world?) and yet they continue
to yield lame facilities as late as 2003.
Research on their parks finds
a long list of mediocrity and obsolete skate parks. California is a good
example. SkateOregon associates
Purkiss-Rose with expensive skate parks as well. Several Oregon cities couldn't pay for the park Purkiss Rose designed for them. The new park in Springfield, Oregon cost more than Newberg, Oregon, but which park is commonly hearlded in media and by individuals across the world? Newberg.
Why are they hired so often? Purkiss Rose knows city politics very well. They make the sale with slick presentations and promises of sweetness. They pump out cookie cutter designs.
Where are some Purkiss-Rose skate parks in Oregon?
Tualatin - conflicting traffic patterns, little challenge.
City - cramped and boring. Lowest bid on plan was higher than budget.
La Grande - huge amount of wasted space (=ineffecient use of budget),
replicated structures, low challenge.
Here is the first page of five of an open letter to Purkiss Rose asking them to re-evaluate their principles of design and mission. The letter read aloud at the Donald Open Session 2002 and then signed by 100 people in attendance.